Thursday 9 January 2020

S.L.J Activity 6

Hey, this activity was quite fun. We had to make a travel poster about any country we want. I chose my country, Samoa. We had to add in some tips too. Having that activity was fun. Not only the activity was interestive, it was a chance for me to learn about my country. Take a look at my travel poster down below.

Thanks for visiting, bye!!!


  1. Buenos dias Rael, I hope you’re enjoying the sun today!

    Thanks for doing week two, day one, activity one! I’m excited to see your travel poster i’m sure it’s fantastic, but unfortunately when I open the google doc you have linked, I don’t have access to open it. Can you please grant the SLJ access?

    I look forward to looking at it when it's accessible! Thanks Rael.

    Eliza :)

  2. Hello Rael,
    Well done for doing Week 2 Day 1 Activity 1! Keep on going! I really enjoyed reading your travel poster! I really like how when you told us if we want good weather and then you said somehting we could do at that time of the year! I feel like this would be a really useful poster if I were to go to Samoa! I would definatly use this. Maybe next time you could add a small outro. Anyways, this is a phenomenal blog post! Keep up the astonishing work!

    If you want to check out my blog here it is:


  3. Hi Rael,

    My name is Anna and I go to Christ the King school. I love the background you used for your travel brochure. I would love to eat laua. Next time you could maybe make the text a little bit more bigger and clear.

    Good luck on your other activities.

  4. Kia Ora Rael,

    How are you? It's been fantastic reading your other great blog posts, and I decided to comment on this one!

    This brochure you've made about Samoa is phenomenal because you made a title that is bold, and included a very beautiful background. Ka Pai for making this awesome!

    I really enjoyed reading about your Samoa visiting tips! It has lots of great travel tips to guide you if you ever go to Samoa. Samoa sounds like such a fascinating and wonderful place to visit. I personally love the sun, so Samoa sounds perfect. What are some different places that are ideal for swimming? I also like the water, and this description makes it sound so exciting and fun!

    Luau sounds so interesting and delicious! I've personally never heard of any Samoan food, but the looks are so tempting. What are some other foods that you think are good?

    The description you've included makes me really want to visit Samoa. What are some examples of waterfalls and scenery? I am a BIG fan of waterfalls, I think they are so cool! At the end, I like how you made a little disclaimer that it may get really hot, so we should bring shirts and shorts. I'm sure it'll help lots of people!

    Don't stop the amazing work Rael, I'm so excited to read more of your blog posts.

    ~ Gargee :D

  5. Kia Ora, Rael! I would love to visit Samoa! Where were you born in? What is your language that you speak in?


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