Monday 16 December 2019

S.L.J Activity 2

Hey bloggers! For today we have a new activity. The activity is to list 10 foods you would bring on an ocean trip for 3 weeks.

The first food item I'd bring would be some fruit. Mainly strawberries and crunchy apples. That's two already. The second thing I'd bring would be some biscuits. A whole packet of them. I'd also take some cheese and crackers. I LOVE cheese so much. I can't say no to it. Anyway, I've listed 4 so far, 6 to go. Another food I'd take is pineapple slices, juicy ones. One food I'd never forget would be chicken flavoured peas from Samoa. They are the best things you can eat in the world. The other 4 foods I'd take would be: Popcorn, crackers, milk and water.

Thank for looking at this blogpost. Have a great holiday. Bye bloggers✋


  1. Kia ora Rael, I hope you are having a groovy day!

    Thank you so much for doing the first Summer Learning Journey activity for week one! I think the items you’ve listed are fantastic ideas - they sound delicious and it's cool how you’ve written them as part of a sentence, instead of just listing them. I LOVE cheese too, what is your favourite type?

    Do you think you’d like to do a three-week ocean voyage? Have you ever spent time in a canoe or kayak?

    Well done on making a great blog post, I hope that you will keep blogging with us over the summer. Have a fab Monday afternoon!
    Eliza :)

  2. Kia Ora Rael! I love your blog post, it's so cool to list things if you were going on an ocean trip. Just remember you won't have a fridge or freezer. I think the items that you’ve listed are fantastic ideas - they sound very delicious. I bet they are. See you later Rael!

    1. Thanks for commenting on my blogpost Maddi.
      I hope you enjoyed Christmas. Bye


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