Aloha bloggers, this term we've been learning about our foods with this lady named Isabelle. She came in to teach us for an hour. For the first lesson she showed us a food pyramid, teaching us what foods go in each column. The second session was about knowing what the nutritional information was. We also had to do a challenge where we had to put the drinks in order. We had to put it in order of the least amount of sugar to the most. It was surprising when we got the answers. Fizzy drinks have a lot of sugar, I mean a lot. As a fact, if a drink has a label that says no added sugar, it doesn't mean it has no sugar. They just put things in the drink that have sugar in it.
These lessons led up to a supermarket trip. We had a supermarket trip at New World. We went there to look at the nutritional information on the packages. We looked in each isle and had to write down the foods we looked at. At the very end we had to write down as many veges and fruits we can think of. After that, some parents came to help out with the transport. When we got back to school we came back with green lunchboxes. Isabelle gave everyone a lunchbox for free. The supermarket and the sessions were fun and I wish I could do it again. Take a look at these photos before you leave. Bye!